Monday, May 4, 2009

5 points to 5 Point Someone

Out of 20.

No kidding, the book was like a short story rather than a fully grown novel. And I am quite sure much of the lamenting about the educational system was over exaggerated but it is also,sadly, the way to get your book(or anything marketable) some market. I mean The White Tiger was no good, Slumdog Millionaire equally pathetic and both were record smashers for only one reason I can think of ,theoretically(philosophically?); people like to know about other people's distress and are somewhat relieved(pleased?) to know that they are not experiencing it first hand, may also empathize and feel some godlikeness.

I actually thought of writing a review of this book but there isnt much to it that you wouldnt already know. Took me 6 hours to finish the supposedly 270 pages of pure fun, which I didnt get . Next in line to read is Train to Pakistan by Kushwanth Singh. I am kinda in love with 200-250 pages pocket books unless they have a chapter contents like in 5PS.sheeesh...

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